Heart Maniax NFT Mint

Janus Network
Nov 13, 2022


HeartManiax NFT Collection

  • Mint Date: 15.11.2022
  • Supply: 100
  • Whitelist: 1 AVAX
  • Public Sale: 1.5 AVAX

Stake HeartManiaxNFT, Earn xJNS

On November 15, the mint of the Heart Maniax NFT collection will take place with the Janus Network Mint service. You can earn xJNS by staking on Janus Hub after Mint.

  • Reward: $xJNS
  • Pool Limit: 20 NFT
  • Time: 3 Days
  • Date: 15.11.2022
  • No stake lock

Earning Pools

You can earn AVAX, JNS and xJNS by staking your xJNS tokens earned from NFT Staking in Earning Pools.

  • No minimum limit for stake
  • No stake lock
  • No Impermanent Loss
  • No penalty fee on withdrawal

NFT Stake: https://apps.janusnetwork.io/nft-stake/

HeartManiaxNFT: http://mint.maniaxnft.io/



Janus Network

Janus Network is a private blockchain for gaming and defi applications that leverages Avalanche Network’s existing infrastructure and security.